Area PIB

Step 1 (open screen)

Select Pre-Flight Briefing > Area PIB. The Area PIB screen appears.

Fig.: Area PIB

Step 2 (define briefing options)

The system allows you to enter filter criteria concerning the message types that you want to have included in the PIB Pre-flight Information Bulletin.

Message Type

Select the message type or types that you want to have included in the PIB.

Briefing Type

Briefing type lets you choose which kind of NOTAM Notice to Airmen you wish to have included in your PIB: international, national and/or military NOTAM. One of the check boxes must be selected (if none is selected an error message is raised).

Flight Rules

The system requires you to select one of the flight rules.

  • IFR stands for Instrument Flight Rules. A flight conducted in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules is an IFR flight.

  • VFR stands for Visual Flight Rules. A flight conducted in accordance with the Visual Flight Rules is a VFR flight.

  • The third option is a combination of IFR and VFR.

NOTAM Purpose

  • Maximum: Includes NOTAM with any purpose

  • Standard: Includes NOTAM with purpose containing B and NOTAM with purpose containing O

Step 3 (define FIRs)

In the Identifier field enter the ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation location indicator of the FIR Flight Information Region(s) for which you want to generate the PIB and click the Beschreibung: icon_plus.png button. Below the FIRs table, Total displays the current number of FIRs.

The ICAO location indicator of FIRs consists of a four-letter code.

If you do not know the ICAO location indicator, click on the Beschreibung: icon_lupe.jpg button. The Search FIRs page appears and allows you to search for a FIR. You can search for a FIR by ICAO code or the FIR name. Enter part of the ICAO code (for example, LO or ED) or the other fields and click Search. All FIRs that meet the entered search criteria are displayed.

Beschreibung: image6.gif

Fig.: Search FIRs

Click on the FIRs you want to add to your PIB. The selected FIR appears now in the FIR list.

Step 4 (define vertical filter)

Define the Lower FL and Upper FL.

Step 5 (define validity)

From time is calculated on the basis of the client time. The client time is converted to UTC time according to the set time zone. To time displays the From time plus 24 hours.

Define the time range for which you want to have NOTAM included in the PIB. All NOTAM and messages of other selected message types that are valid within the selected time range will be included in the PIB.

To define the From and To dates, either type in the values manually or use the Calendar pop-up. To open the Calendar pop-up, click the button. Select a month and day and click OK. The entered date must be the current date or a date in the future.

Step 6 (generate PIB)

To generate the Area PIB, click on the Generate button. The PIB lists NOTAM by aerodromes.

The header of the PIB displays some of the selected filter criteria, for example:

  • Generation date and time of the bulletin in UTC

  • The Reference number of the report

  • Selected Validity time period of PIB in UTC

  • Selected Service Type

  • Selected Flight Rules (IFR, VFR or IFR/VFR)

  • What is included in the PIB (selected message types)

  • Selected aerodromes

  • Contents of PIB

  • Selected briefing type(s)

A disclaimer is included at the end of the PIB and for each empty section.

Step 7 (optional: Highlight text)

To highlight text in the PIB, enter text in the field, select the color and click Highlight. The text you entered in highlighted in the PIB dialog and in the PDF Portable docent format.

To remove highlighting, click the icon X next to the text.

Fig.: Highlight Text in PIB (Example)

Step 8 (optional: send PIB in email)

The PIB can be sent via e-mail. To send the PIB to one or more e-mail recipients, click the Send as  Email. The Email addresses dialog opens:

Fig.: E-mail

You can define a distribution list in this dialog by entering the e-mail addresses separated by commas.

Step 9 (optional: generate PDF)

The PIB can be exported to a PDF file by clicking on Print PDF button.